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Financial Independence Retire Early (F.I.R.E.)
Master Class

 The one Master Class that will change your life forever.

The Master Class Includes:

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4+ hours of on-demand video

Absolutely NO boring PowerPoints. Instead, we talk to you face-to-face (like our YouTube videos) – providing details to help you navigate before, during, and after FIRE!

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A downloadable FIRE Action Guide

For every module that you complete, we want you to walk away with actionable items to help move you closer to your FIRE goal. That’s why we created the FIRE Action Guide! With this guide, we provide you with actionable steps at the end of each completed module. The goal is for you to begin taking action and to continue taking action so that you can reach your FIRE goal!


Special Resources

Our resources include a list of additional resources, financial planning templates, and more! Download each resource and take them with you anywhere!

What You'll Learn

This Master Class consists of more than four hours of video instruction, more than thirty resources, and a downloadable pdf FIRE Action Guide for you to work on based on the information you learn from the Master Class.

The video instruction is broken into more than fifteen modules.  Each module focuses on different FIRE topics.  We begin the Master Class by talking about one of the most common questions about FIRE - How can you live off of your investments? We want you to know, from the very beginning, how the mechanics of living off of your investments work. That’s why we provide step-by-step details to show you how to withdraw money from your investment accounts to support your living expenses, how you can access money in your different investment accounts, and how often you should be withdrawing from your investment accounts to support your living expenses during retirement.

In the Master Class, we also talk about how to calculate your FIRE number if you’re invested entirely in stocks, entirely in real estate, and if you’re invested in a combination of stocks and real estate; and we give tips for what you can do if you want to FIRE even earlier than “early”!

We also discuss creative ways that you can save money - from discussing five new ways to live rent and mortgage free (in addition to the five ways that we lived rent and mortgage free) to ways to save on travel, food, and transportation. We share ways to make more money - from tips on how to ask for a raise, to new side hustles that we’ve never discussed before. We also share our tips on investing in the stock market and investing in real estate.

We also talk about healthcare options that you can consider if you’ve found that healthcare is preventing you from retiring; we discuss various barriers and challenges to FIRE and how to overcome those challenges; we discuss some common misconceptions about FIRE . . . and much more!!!

At the end of the Master Class, we put everything together so that you can take action on your FIRE journey.

Get Started NOW!


With Lifetime Access!!
  • Module 18 - Investing Mistakes to Avoid
    🎥 Eight Mistakes – Your Guiding Light 🎥 Mistake #1 🎥 Mistake #2 🎥 Mistake #3 🎥 Mistake #4 🎥 Mistake #5 🎥 Mistake #6 🎥 Mistake #8 🎥 Mistake #7 🎁 Module 18: Summary Notes 📄 Module 18 Assignment: Note to Self - Investment Mistakes to Avoid
  • Module 19 - Dealing With Recessions and Bear Markets
    🎥 Tip 1 🎥 Tip 2 🎥 Tip 3 🎥 Tip 4 🎁 Module 19: Summary Notes 📄 Module 19 Assignment: Your Stock Market Crash Plan
  • Module 15 - Researching Investments
    🎥 Researching Investments in General 🎥 Researching Index Funds 🎥 Comparing Index Funds 🎥 Researching and Comparing ETFs 🎥 Researching and Comparing REITs 🎥 Individual Stocks A Word of Warning 🎥 Researching and Picking Stocks – Factor 1 🎥Researching and Picking Stocks – Factor 2 🎥 Researching and Picking Stocks – Factor 3 🎥 Researching and Picking Stocks – Factor 4 🎥 Researching and Picking Stocks – Factor 5 🎥 Researching and Picking Stocks – Factor 6 🎥 Researching and Picking Stocks – Factor 7 🎁 Module 15: Summary Notes 📄 Module 15 Assignment: Your Investments
  • Module 16 - Lump Sum Investing vs. Dollar Cost Averaging
    🎥 An Identified Lump Sum 🎥 Vanguard Study and Results 🎥 The Mindset Role 🎥 Taking Into Account the Fear of Investing 🎥 The Ultimate Question to Ask Yourself 🎁 Module 16: Summary Notes 📄 Module 16: Additional Resources
  • Module 2 - Steps to Take Before You Begin Investing
    🎥 Establishing an Emergency Fund 🎥 Pay off High Interest Debt 🎁 Module 2: Summary Notes
  • Module 6 - Overview of Investment Accounts
    🎥 Two Types of Accounts: Tax Advantage & Non-Tax Advantage 🎥 Tax Advantaged Accounts – 401(k) 🎥 Tax Advantaged Accounts – Solo 401(k) 🎥 Tax Advantaged Accounts – 457 Plan 🎥 Tax Advantaged Accounts – 403(b) 🎥 Tax Advantaged Accounts – Traditional IRA 🎥 Tax Advantaged Accounts – Roth IRA 🎥 Tax Advantaged Accounts – Self-Directed IRA 🎥 Tax Advantaged Accounts – Health Savings Account (HSA) 🎥 Tax Advantaged Accounts - 529 Plans 🎥Non-Tax Advantaged Accounts - Ordinary Brokerage Account 🎁 Module 6: Summary Notes 📄 Module 6: Additional Resources
  • Module 12 - Order of Investing
    🎥 Why Order of Investing Matters 🎥 Step 1 🎥 Step 2 🎥 Step 3 🎥 Step 4 🎥 Step 5 🎥 Step 6 🎥 Step 7 🎥 Bonus Step for Early Retirees 🎁 Module 12: Summary Notes 📄 Module 12 Assignment: Your Order of Investing 🎁 Our Investment Plan/How We Invested for F.I.R.E. (Plus Bonus Asset Tracker with our up to date investments)
  • Module 3 - Starting With a Goal & Achieving FIRE
    🎥 Calculating Your FIRE Number 🎥 The Trinity Study 🎁 Module 3: Summary Notes 📄 Module 3 Assignment: Start With a Goal
  • Module 8 - Picking a Brokerage Company
    🎥 Evaluating the Broker’s Security 🎥 Insurance - What to Look For? 🎥 Consider the Brokerages Fraud Policies 🎥 Checking for Fees 🎥 Assessing Customer Service 🎥 Platform Interface (Website and App) 🎥 Types of Accounts Offered 🎥 Customer Reviews 🎁 Module 8: Summary Notes
  • Module 10 - Funding Your Brokerage Account
    🎥 Options for Funding Your Account 🎁 Module 10: Summary Notes
  • Module 13 - Types of Investments
    🎥 Actively Managed Mutual Funds 🎥 Index Funds 🎥 Deciding Between Mutual Funds & Index Funds 🎥 Mutual Funds vs. Index Funds – Goals & Fees 🎥 Mutual Funds vs. Index Funds – Comparing Performance 🎥 Index Fund Preference 🎥 Exchange Traded Funds 🎥 Comparison - ETFs and Index Funds 🎥 Why People Choose ETFs Over Index Funds – Reason #1 🎥Why People Choose ETFs Over Index Funds – Reason #2 🎥 Why People Choose ETFs Over Index Funds – Reason #3 🎥 Why People Choose Index Funds Over ETFs – Reason #1 🎥 Why People Choose Index Funds Over ETFs – Reason #2 🎥 REITs 🎥 Individual Stocks 🎥 Bonds 🎁 Module 13: Summary Notes
  • Module 1 - Introduction & Overview
    🎥 Welcome! 🎁 Download Your Stock Market Investing Plan for FIRE! 🎁 Module 1 Assignment: Section I of Your Investment Plan 📄 Access the Private Facebook Group
  • Module 14 - Asset Allocation & Optimal Returns
    🎥 What Is Asset Allocation 🎥 Asset Allocation and Time Horizon 🎥 Aggressive vs. Reckless Investing 🎥 Role of Bonds 🎥 Stock vs. Bond Allocation 🎥 Problem With the Rule of Thumb 🎥 Our Thoughts When Developing Our Portfolio Allocation 🎥 Asset Allocation and Revisiting the Trinity Study 🎥 Our Portfolio - Stocks Bonds and Emergency Funds 🎥 Our Portfolio - Creating Our Core Investment 🎥 Our Portfolio - Supporting Our Core Investment With ETFs 🎥 Our Portfolio - Supporting Our Core Investment With REITs 🎥 Our Portfolio - Supporting Our Core Investment With Individual Stocks 🎁 Module 14: Summary Notes 📄 Module 14 Assignment: Your Targeted Asset Allocation 📄 Module 14: Additional Resources
  • Module 9 - Opening A Brokerage Account
    🎥 Step-by-Step Instructions 🎁 Module 9: Summary Notes
  • Module 20 - Putting it All Together
    🎥 Putting It All Together 🎁 Module 20: Summary Notes
  • Module 5 - Investing Mentality
    🎥 Controlling Your Emotions 🎥 How to Behave During a Crash 🎁 Module 5: Summary Notes 📄 Module 5 Assignment: Investing Assessment
  • Module 4 - Stock Market History (Good Investors Know Their History)
    🎥 How it All Began 🎥 Crash of 1929 (Black Tuesday) 🎥 Crash of 1973-74 (Oil Crisis Crash) 🎥 Crash of 1987 (Black Monday) 🎥 Crash of 2000 (Dot-com Bubble) 🎥 Crash of 2008 (Great Recession) 🎥 Crash of 2020 (Coronavirus Crash) 🎁 Module 4: Summary Notes
  • Module 7 - Types of Investment Fees
    🎥 Brokerage Fees 🎥 Transaction Fees 🎥 Expense Ratios 🎥 Front-End Load Fees 🎥 Back-End Load Fees 🎥 Management Fees 🎥 Annual Fees 🎥 Impact of Fees 🎥 Avoiding or Reducing Fees (Tip 1) 🎥 Avoiding or Reducing Fees (Tip 2) 🎥 Avoiding or Reducing Fees (Tip 3) 🎥 Avoiding or Reducing Fees (Tip 4) 🎁 Module 7: Summary Notes
  • Module 21 - Continuing Education
    🎥 Continuing Education 🎁 Module 21: Summary Notes 📄 Module 21 Assignment: Other Consideration
  • Module 17 – Rebalancing
    🎥 Strategy of Rebalancing 🎥 Sample Portfolio to Rebalance 🎥 Rebalancing Strategy #1 🎥 Rebalancing to Reduce Risk 🎥 Rebalancing to Increase Returns 🎥 Rebalancing Strategy #2 🎥 Rebalancing vs. Timing the Market 🎥 Rebalancing Frequency Option #1 🎥 Rebalancing Frequency Option #2 🎁 Module 17: Summary Notes 📄 Module 17 Assignment: Rebalancing Strategy
  • Module 11 - Automate Investments
    🎥 Automating - Benefit 1 🎥 Automating - Benefit 2 🎥 Automating - Benefit 3 🎥 Automating - Benefit 4 🎥 Setting Up Automated Investments 🎁 Module 11: Summary Notes
  • Bonus - 17 Financial Planning Templates for Your FIRE Journey
    🎁 7 Financial Planning Templates for Your FIRE Journey
  • Module 16 - Putting It All Together
    🎥 Putting It All Together 📄 Action Assignment: Putting It All-Together With Your Action Guide 📄 References, Resources & Links
  • Module 5 - Preparing Mentally to Pursue FIRE
    🎥 Getting Your Mind Right 📄 Action Assignment: Adjusting Your Mindset in Preparing to Pursue FIRE
  • Module 12 - Making Money
    🎥 What Makes a Good Side Hustle 🎥 Finding the Right Side Hustle 🎥 Five Ways to Make More Money 📄 Action Assignment: Create a Side-Hustle 📄 References, Resources & Links
  • Module 2 - Living Off Your Investments
    🎥 Intro & Defining FIRE 🎥 FIRE - Some Things You Should Know 🎥 Hypothetical Growth Scenario 🎥 Drawdown Strategy & Accessing Your Accounts 🎥 Paying Yourself From Your Investment Accounts 📄 Action Assignment: Income Producing Assets & Other Income to Support You in FIRE 📄 References, Resources & Links
  • Module 3 - Calculating Your FIRE Number (A Detailed Approach)
    🎥 The FIRE Calculation & the Trinity Study 🎥 Using a Budget to Calculate Your FIRE Number - Things to Consider 📄 Action Assignment: Calculate Your FIRE Number in Two Steps 📄 References, Resources & Links
  • Module 7 - Traditional & FIRE Emergency Funds
    🎥Traditional Emergency Funds & Where to Keep Them 🎥 FIRE Emergency Funds 📄 Action Assignment: Build Your Emergency Funds 📄 References, Resources & Links
  • Module 9 - Stock Market Investing
    🎥 Steps for Investing for FIRE 🎥 Our Strategy for Investing for FIRE 🎥 Mutual Funds, Index Funds, and ETFs 🎥 Order of Investing 🎥 Our Stock Market Investments 📄 Action Assignment: Create a Simple Stock Market Investing Plan 📄 References, Resources & Links
  • Module 6 - Tracking Your Progress Toward FIRE
    🎥 The Ten Stages of FIRE (How Long Until Early Retirement) 📄 Action Assignment: Calculate How Far (Or Close) You Are to FIRE 📄 References, Resources & Links
  • Module 15 - Last Minute Prep
    🎥 Tips for Work 🎥 Tips for Personal Finances 📄 Action Assignment: Check to Make Sure You’re Quitting Right 📄 References, Resources & Links
  • Module 4 - Your Why for FI/FIRE
    🎥 Your Why for FI/FIRE 📄 Action Assignment: Describe Your Why for FIRE
  • Module 1 - Welcome & Course Overview
    🎥Welcome! 📄Action Assignment: FIRE Financial Self-Assessment 🎁Resource: Download Your FIRE Action Guide! 📄Access the Private Facebook Group
  • Module 13 - Healthcare in Early Retirement
    🎥 Options for People Retiring in the US 🎥 Worldwide Healthcare Options 📄 Action Assignment: Income Producing Assets & Other Income to Support You in FIRE 📄 References, Resources & Links
  • Module 10 - Real Estate Investing for FIRE
    🎥 Calculating Your FIRE Number with Real Estate 🎥 Strategies to Achieve FIRE with Real Estate 🎥 Pros & Cons of Investing in Real Estate for FIRE 📄 Action Assignment: Action to Take Before Investing in Real Estate for FIRE 📄 References, Resources & Links
  • Module 11 - Saving Money
    🎥 Calculating Your Savings Rate 🎥 Your Ideal Monthly Savings Rate 🎥 Seven Strategies to Save More 🎥 Reducing Your Housing Costs 🎥 Reducing Your Transportation and Food Costs 📄 Action Assignment: Saving MORE Challenge 📄 References, Resources & Links
  • Module 14 - Ways to FIRE. . .Even Earlier
    🎥 Ways to FIRE. . .Even Earlier 📄 Action Assignment: Identify Ways to FIRE Earlier Than Early!
  • Module 8 - Debt & Pursuing FIRE
    🎥 Is All Debt Bad? 🎥Paying Off Debt vs Investing 🎥 Methods For Paying Off Debt 📄 Action Assignment: Build Your Emergency Funds 📄 References, Resources & Links
  • Module 13 - Working in Portugal
    🎥 Working in Portugal 📄 References, Resources & Links
  • Module 4 - Visas & Residence Permits
    🎥 Types of Visas 🎥 Why You Need a Visa 🎥 Fixed Residency – What to Do Prior to Applying 🎥 Fixed Residency Visa Application Process 🎥 Residence Permit (Following a Residency Visa Approval) 🎥 Permanent Residence in Portugal 🎥 Golden Visa 🎥 Work Visas 📄 References, Resources & Links
  • Module 10 - Education
    🎥 Portuguese Schools – General Information & Overview 🎥 Public Schools (Nursery to High School) 🎥 Private Schools (Nursery to High School) 🎥 Learning the Language 📄 List of Over 20 International Schools In Portugal and Their Costs PLUS Other References, Resources & Links
  • Module 6 - Housing
    🎥 Short-Term Rentals 🎥 Long-Term Leases 🎥 Buying a Home - General Information 🎥 Tips for Buying a Good Home 🎥 Obtaining a Bank Mortgage 🎥 House Buying Team – Important Players 🎥 Promissory Contract & Transaction Costs 🎥 Closing Day – Final Steps 🎥 Utilities 📄 References, Resources & Links
  • Module 1 - Introduction & Overview
    🎥 Welcome! 🎁 Download Your Moving to Portugal Plan! 📄 Access the Private Facebook Group
  • Module 3 - Relocating to Portugal
    🎥 Buying Household Goods in Portugal 🎥 Shipping Household Goods 🎥 Vaccinations 📄 References, Resources & Links
  • Module 8 - Banking in Portugal
    🎥 Why You Should Open a Portuguese Account 🎥 What To Look For In a Portuguese Bank 🎥 Opening an Account 🎥 Transferring Money to Portugal – Things to Consider 🎥 Common Ways to Transfer Money to Portugal 📄 References, Resources & Links
  • Module 5 - Obtaining a NIF
    🎥 NIFs (Why You Need One AND How to Get One) 📄 References, Resources & Links
  • Module 14 - Closing Module
    🎥 Course Complete - Our Message to You
  • Module 12 - Pets
    🎥 Moving with Pets and Finding Pets in Portugal 📄 References, Resources & Links
  • Module 2 - Why Portugal
    🎥 Quick Facts 🎥 Culture
  • Module 11 - Transportation
    🎥 Driving in Portugal 🎥 Purchasing a Car & Car Rentals 🎥 Public Transportation & Rideshares 📄 References, Resources & Links
  • BONUS - Portugal Speakers Series
    🎥 Hear from Our Real Estate Attorney - Live Q&A 🎥 Healthcare from Portuguese Doctor - Live Q&A
  • Module 7 - Healthcare
    🎥 How to Get Public and Private Health Insurance and Our Costs for Healthcare 📄 See Our Actual Health Insurance Plan in Portugal PLUS Other References, Resources & Links
  • Module 9 - Taxes in Portugal
    🎥 Tax Resident Defined 🎥 Types of Taxes in Portugal 🎥 Non-Habitual Resident (NHR) 🎥 Tax Filing Requirement for U.S. Citizens 📄 References, Resources & Links
  • BONUS: Download Our Actual Budget for Lisbon
    📄 Our Budget for Lisbon (Based on Our Actual Cost of Living)
Working on a Computer

What Our Journey-ers Are Saying:


Watch Our Master Class Intro NOW!

Meet Your Instructors

Hello!  We’re Amon & Christina (your instructors) and those two young ladies are our daughters (not your instructors)!

We’re former federal government employees that focused on saving, making, and investing money so that we could grow enough wealth in our investments to never have to work again.

And, guess what? We did it! At the age of 39, we reached financial independence, quit our jobs, and . . . we retired!

If you’re interested in learning how to reach financial independence and retiring early (i.e., F.I.R.E.) - this Master Class is for you!


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"Reaching financial independence has allowed us to spend more time with each other and with our daughters. We get to live everyday to the fullest.”

- Amon & Christina Browning

How does the payment plan option work?


We understand that a one-time lump sum payment can be challenging for some, so to make our program more accessible, we've introduced a payment plan option. The payment plan allows you to spread the cost over six months while still providing you access to the program, just as if you paid the full amount upfront. The payments are automatically deducted from your credit card each month and cannot be canceled once started. After your six payments are complete, no further charges will be made, and you will continue to have lifetime access to the program. This option is designed to ease the financial burden and ensure you can benefit from the program without the strain of a large upfront cost.

Who is this Master Class for?


This Master Class is designed for anyone interested in pursuing financial independence and retiring early. If you haven’t started pursuing FIRE but you’re interested in getting started, if you’re midway through your FIRE journey, or if you’re at the tail end of your journey - this FIRE Master Class is for you!

What if I’m a non-US citizen?


If you’re not a U.S. citizen, we think you’ll still find our FIRE Master Class beneficial! The concept of FIRE, and much of the Master Class is applicable to everyone. A portion of the Master Class refers to tools, options, and investments available only to people who can invest in the United States stock market.  We also discuss certain side hustles and money saving strategies that may not apply (or apply differently to those outside of the United States). If you are a non-U.S. citizen, certain tools, options, investments, side hustles, or other money options discussed in the Master Class may not be available to you. However, FIRE is more than just investing in the stock market - and we cover that “more” part in the Master Class! Because of this, there are large portions of the Master Class that are applicable to anyone in the world. That’s why we think anyone anywhere in the world can benefit from this class. If you have any specific questions about applicability, feel free to reach out to us!

Does the Master Class come with one-on-one consultations?


The Master Class  is designed for you to learn at your own pace.  Because the Master Class  videos are pre-recorded, we are not presenting the Master Class in a live format. Because of this, we are not available for one-on-one consultations with the Master Class. 

How is this Master Class different from your Stock Market Investing for FIRE Course?


The Stock Market Investing for FIRE Course is entirely dedicated to investing. The FIRE Master Class, however, is a more comprehensive course that extends beyond just investing. Keep in mind that both the Stock Market Investing Course and the FIRE Master Class are each 4+ hour long courses. This means that the Stock Market Investing Course dedicates a significantly larger portion of time solely to investing. If you’re interested in solely learning about investing, the Stock Market Investing Course is probably the best course for you. However, if you’re interested in more than just investing for FIRE, this FIRE Master Class is the better option. 

BUT, if you want a comprehensive course on investing AND you want a comprehensive course on how to achieve FIRE, we think that taking BOTH the Stock Market Investing For FIRE Course AND the FIRE Master Class is the best way to go!

How is this Master Class different from your YouTube videos?


The videos in our FIRE Master Class are different from our YouTube videos in a couple of ways. First, much of the material that we present in our Master Class isn’t covered in our YouTube videos. Second, the videos in the Master Class are linear - meaning that the order of the videos presented in the Master Class makes sense.  This is in contrast to our YouTube videos, which aren’t presented in linear order. To be clear, there is some material in our Master Class that we’ve discussed in some of our YouTube videos. However, there is a ton of new material in the Master Class that we haven’t presented on YouTube (and that we won’t present on YouTube in the future).

Do you offer refunds?


Due to the instant delivery of the course content (at release), we do not offer refunds.  If you have any questions about the course, please reach out to us to get your questions answered before you decide to sign up for the Master Class. 

Get Started NOW!


With Lifetime Access!!


The content in this Master Class, our website, and our YouTube videos are for educational purposes only and merely cite our own personal opinions. In order to make the best financial decision that suits your own needs, you must conduct your own research and seek the advice of a licensed financial advisor if necessary. Know that the pursuit of FIRE, your financial decision, and specific investments involve some form of risk and there is no guarantee that: 1) you will be successful in making, saving, or investing money; 2) you won't experience any loss when investing; 3) that you will achieve FIRE; or 4) that once you reach your FIRE number, your money will last forever during your retirement. Always remember to make smart decisions and do your own research!

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